Friday, August 17, 2012
God grateful for his immense love.*
God grateful for his immense love.
God pours out a spirit of strength on the families of the victims and their perpetrators are brought to everlasting.
God bless you every day, I ask you dear God for those who have been displaced in that place without justice.
Eye against immorality!.
Do not trust or its shadow ..
Go home!
Prophecy ..
Post found via the Internet, by the [prophet TERESA AQUINO.).
(The Book of Esther), main characters: Ahasuerus, the king, Esther the queen, Mordecai the Jew, the evil Haman, the enemy. PERSIAN KING. *
(The Book of Esther), main characters: Ahasuerus, the king, Esther the queen, Mordecai the Jew, the evil Haman, the enemy.
KING PERSIAN: Ahasuerus (also known as Xerxes). THE MAIN PROBLEM: The whole nation of Israel would be destroyed
OPPOSITION: The wicked Haman, the man of the devil, who invented a plot to destroy the Jews
Nowhere is the name of God
One of the most interesting things in the book of Esther is something that is not in the book of Esther. The Name of God is not found anywhere in this book. All other 65 books of the Bible mention the Name of God. Why the book of Esther is muted when the Divine Name?
Think about this carefully. When you start the book of Esther, a great Persian ruler on the throne (Esther 1:2). His kingdom is so great that stretches from India to Ethiopia (Esther 1:1). There was the greatest king on earth.
Where was the king of Israel? Where was the LORD, the God of the Jews? The Jews had been taken captive by the Babylonians, and in the days of Ahasuerus, most Jews were still far from home. Only a small remnant of Jews had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, as we read in the history of Zerubbabel (Ezra chapters 1-6). Was the God of Israel still on the throne? Was Lord still rule? ¿They ended the government of God the Babylonians and the Persians? He ruled Persia ¿the world and the affairs of men or God ruling?
Was God still very much involved and concerned about his people, the Jews? YES, IT WAS YOU! Although the name of God is nowhere in this book, we see the hand of God moving and directing.
God often works "behind the scenes" carrying out His purposes. To many it may seem that God is doing nothing, but for the spiritual person, it is obvious that God is acting and directing and controlling "all ___________ after the counsel of His ____________________" (Ephesians 1:11). As I had to learn once the king Nebuchadnezzar, GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE (see Daniel 4:33-37). God has "dominion over all nations ________________" (including the Kingdom of Persia)-see 2 Chronicles 20:6. God rules in _____________ (Psalm 103:19).
Not only the name of God is absent from the pages of the book of Esther, but the name of Satan is not anywhere. The Devil is not mentioned by name in the book of Esther, but throughout the book we see acting the Evil Hand of Satan. Satan is active, working "behind the scenes" through this man, AMMAN, in a diabolical attempt to exterminate the people of God.
Bad News for Jews
Satan man, Haman, devised an evil plan to destroy the entire Jewish people throughout the kingdom. He was even able to make the King sign a decree that all Jews would be destroyed and killed in a given day (see Esther 3:13). Moreover, the king's decree could not be revoked. IT SEEMS THAT THE JEWS WERE CONDEMNED TO DESTRUCTION. IT SEEMS THAT THE NATION COME TO AN END.
That's when God began to do his amazing work. Something that would change the entire course of history and that made it possible for the whole Jewish nation to be saved. What was this? We read about it in Esther 6:1 - THE KING COULD NOT SLEEP. One night the king had trouble sleeping because he could not sleep, certain things happened in such a way that the wicked Haman was defeated and the Jewish nation was fought. God is so great that He can still use the sleepless night of a king to carry out His perfect plan. It was no accident that the king could not sleep that night in particular.
We should not really say that the Jews had "LUCK". No, God was doing His work and carrying out His plan in a strange and mysterious. Esther is the book in which God's name is not anywhere, but where His hand is everywhere. And this same God is working out His plan and sponsor TODAY.
The Key Verse
The key verse is Esther in Esther 4:14 (the last part of verse): "And who knows, by this time have come to ____________?" Mordecai the Jew, I was talking to Esther. He hoped that, as queen, she entered to see the king and tried to save the Jewish nation. In this verse, Mordecai seemed to realize that the hand of God was in this situation. He knew that God would deliver His people. And deep in his heart, Mordecai knew it was not an accident that might become Queen Esther (we know how she became Queen Esther reading chapters 1-2). It was a matter of having "LUCK". It was the purpose of God that she was queen for "an hour like this." Mordecai was sure it was part of God's amazing plan for His people, that Esther was queen at that time. And when we read the book of Esther, Mordecai discovered that he was right. God determined that Esther was the right person in the right place at the right time, just saying the right thing.
The same is true with every one of us. It was no accident that you were born in this world and you had parents who have and you live in the house where you live. All these things did not happen by chance. God has a wonderful plan that He is carrying out and need to realize that He has total control. God is arranging things so that you are the right person at the right place at the appropriate time. Most people are too stupid to see the hand of God working in their lives, but every believer should be aware of this. The God of the Bible is not someone who ever lived thousands of years ago and helped people like Esther and Ezra. The God of the Bible is the KING is working out His perfect plan TODAY. Are you allowing Him control your life? Are you allowing Him to rule from the throne of your heart? Do not try to fight against God's plan. Haman tried to do it and ended up dead.
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