Thursday, November 29, 2012
God spoke to Laban.*
God spoke to Laban
10:08 a.m.
November 29, 2012.
These were the exact words that I heard while I was meditating,
audible voice told me: God spoke to Laban, I said, God spoke to Laban! I continued working and meditating on the subject.
and I said, okay Lord I look then at the end back to the laptop and started looking for information, and was going to saw the program and returned again to open another window and found quotes him, in effect, God spoke to Laban
Let's see what God said to Laban in Genesis 31:24 says;
But God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night and said:
Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.
You know what that means, God have control.
God is with you!
These words are faithful and true from the Lord.
This is the prophecy spoken by God to his prophet, TERESA AQUINO.
Dios le hablo a Labán.*
Dios le hablo a Labán
10:08 AM
29 nov, 2012.
estas fueron las palabras textuales que yo escuche, mientras estaba meditando,
me dijo con voz audibles: Dios le hablo a Labán, yo dije, Dios le hablo a Labán! y continué en trabajando meditando en el tema.
y dije, esta bien Señor lo busco después, al final regrese a la laptop y empecé a buscar dato, ya iba a serrar el programa y volví de nuevo abrir otra ventana y encontré le cita, en efecto, Dios le hablo a Labán
Veamos que le dijo Dios a Labán en el libro de Génesis 31:24 dice;
Pero Dios vino a Labán arameo en sueños durante la noche, y le dijo:
Guárdate que no hables a Jacob ni bien ni mal.
Sabes que significa eso, que Dios tienes el control.
Dios esta contigo!
Estas palabra son fieles y verdadera de parte del Señor.
esta es la profecía dicha por Dios a su profeta, TERESA AQUINO.
Your question is, what love is sin?
Your question is, what love is sin?
love is the greatest commandment.
1 John 4:20 says,
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he has seen, can not love God whom he has not seen.
If the love between a man and a woman, had no children to be sin on earth!
Genesis 35:11 says,
God said unto him, I am the Almighty God. Be fruitful and multiply, a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins.
Infidels are they not love their neighbor
you reading this article, is sin,
PRACTICE promiscuity.
meaning of being promiscuous:
1) What is mixed and confusing.
2) Applies to the person who changes sexual partners frequently.
The word revealed in Titus 1:6,
that is, if one is irreproachable, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
in the book of Genesis 2:24 says,
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they become one flesh.
On the subject 1 Peter 4:8 says;
Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins;
Proverbs 10:12 states, Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions.
Proverbs 17:9 goes on to say;
The covering an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.
In 1 Corinthians 13:4 states,
Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous, love does not boast, it is not arrogant;
James 5:20 espuso claiming its option, know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 1:22 says,
Since in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere brotherly love, love one another deeply, from the heart.
Peace be with you.
The ministry of faith Prophet TERESA
Tu pregunta es, ¿ el amor es pecado?
Tu pregunta es, ¿ el amor es pecado?
es el amor el mas grande de los mandamientos.
1 Juan 4:20 dice,
Si alguno dice: Yo amo a Dios, y aborrece a su hermano, es un mentiroso; porque el que no ama a su hermano, a quien ha visto, no puede amar a Dios a quien no ha visto.
Si el amor entre un hombre y una mujer, fuera pecado no hubieran niños en la tierra!
Génesis 35:11 dice,
También le dijo Dios: Yo soy el Dios Todopoderoso. Sé fecundo y multiplícate; una nación y multitud de naciones vendrán de ti, y reyes saldrán de tus lomos.
Infieles son ellos por no amar a su prójimo
ustedes que están leyendo este articulo, pecado es,
significado de ser promiscuo:
1) Que está mezclado y confuso.
2) Se aplica a la persona que cambia de pareja sexual con frecuencia.
La palabra revela en Tito 1:6,
esto es, si alguno es irreprehensible, marido de una sola mujer, que tenga hijos creyentes, no acusados de disolución ni de rebeldía.
en el libro de Génesis 2:24 dice,
Por tanto el hombre dejará a su padre y a su madre y se unirá a su mujer, y serán una sola carne.
Sobre el tema 1 Pedro 4:8 dice;
Sobre todo, sed fervientes en vuestro amor los unos por los otros, pues el amor cubre multitud de pecados;
en Proverbios 10:12 alega, El odio suscita rencillas, pero el amor cubre todas las transgresiones.
Proverbios 17:9 continua diciendo;
El que cubre una falta busca afecto, pero el que repite el asunto separa a los mejores amigos.
En 1 Corintios 13:4 alega,
El amor es paciente, es bondadoso; el amor no tiene envidia; el amor no es jactancioso, no es arrogante;
Santiago 5:20 espuso su criterio alegando, sepa que el que hace volver a un pecador del error de su camino salvará su alma de muerte, y cubrirá multitud de pecados.
1 Pedro 1:22 dice,
Puesto que en obediencia a la verdad habéis purificado vuestras almas para un amor sincero de hermanos, amáis unos a otros entrañablemente, de corazón puro.
The ministry of faith Prophet TERESA AQUINO
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
I do not believe in the man who says.*
I do not believe in the man who says:
I'm good! Jesus spoke of this topic the Nazarite, in Mark 10:18 says;
And Jesus said to him: Why do you call me good? No one is good but One God.
Nor do I believe in the one who says, you know a lot hear that reveals the word of God in this matter in Proverbs 19:20;
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that thou mayest be wise the rest of your days.
And in another instance I do not believe in the saying, I'm rich, see what it reveals the word of this topic in John's revelation through the Angel of Revelation 3:17;
Because thou sayest, I am rich, I have prospered, and I have need of nothing: and knowest not that thou art wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.
Listen to these sentences and learn from it, I do not believe anyone who says I'm strong Joel 3:10.
Forjad your swords plowshares and spears into pruning hooks of your let the weak say I am strong.
And last of all is:
Luke 19:22
He replied: `` wicked servant, by your own words I will judge you. Did you know that I am a man, taking what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow?
Prophet for all nations, TERESA AQUINO, that the peace of Christ be with you, that the greatness of the father will cover, that power of his Holy Spirit and God guided you to the end.
They are my most arduous desire that you be happy in the face of the earth.
Yo no creo en el hombre que dice.*
Yo no creo en el hombre que dice:
yo soy bueno! de este tópico hablo Jesús el nazareo, en Marcos 10:18 dice;
Y Jesús le dijo: ¿Por qué me llamas bueno? Nadie es bueno, sino sólo uno, Dios.
Tampoco creo en aquel que dice, que sabes mucho escuche que nos revela la palabra de Dios de este asunto en Proverbios 19:20;
Escucha el consejo y acepta la corrección, para que seas sabio el resto de tus días.
Y en otra instancia tampoco creo en el que dice, yo soy rico, veamos lo que nos revela la palabra de este tópico en la revelación de Juan por medio del Ángel Apocalipsis 3:17;
Porque tú dices: Yo soy rico, y me he enriquecido, y de ninguna cosa tengo necesidad; y no sabes que tú eres un desventurado, miserable, pobre, ciego y desnudo.
Escuche estas frases y aprenda de ella, yo no creo en aquel que dice yo soy fuerte Joel 3:10.
Forjad espadas de vuestras rejas de arado y lanzas de vuestras podaderas; diga el débil: Fuerte soy.
Y al final de todo es:
Lucas 19:22
El le contestó: ``Siervo inútil, por tus propias palabras te voy a juzgar. ¿Sabías que yo soy un hombre exigente, que recojo lo que no deposité y siego lo que no sembré?
Profeta para todas las naciones, TERESA AQUINO, que la paz de Cristo este contigo, que la grandeza del padre te cubra, que poder de su Santo y divino Espíritu te guié hasta el fin.
Son mis mas arduo deseo que tu sea feliz en la faz de la tierra.
<< The word of God revealed in the gospel of John 14:9 that >>.
<< The word of God revealed in the gospel of John 14:9 that >>.
Jesus said: I been so long with you, and I still do not know me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father, how can you say, `` Show us the Father?
John 1:14 goes on to reveal:
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 8:19
Then I said, Where is thy Father? Jesus replied: I do not know me or my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.
John 12:45
And whoever sees me sees him who sent me.
Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
Hebrews 1:3
He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of his power.
After carrying out the purification of sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high;
1 John 5:20
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him that is true, and we are in him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.
Prophecy, Prophet: TERESA AQUINO says:
I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.
<< The book of Philippians 4:13 >>;
2 Corinthians 12:9
And He said to me: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Ephesians 3:16
to grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
Colossians 1:11
strengthened with all power according to his glorious power, for all endurance and patience with joy
1 Timothy 1:12
I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;
They want to know why? because grace filled my life.
The ministry of faith Prophet TERESA AQUINO
<< La palabra de Dios revela en el evangelio según San Juan 14:9 que >>.*
<< La palabra de Dios revela en el evangelio según San Juan 14:9 que >>
Jesús le dijo: ¿Tanto tiempo he estado con vosotros, ytodavía no me conoces, Felipe? El que me ha visto a mí, ha visto al Padre; ¿cómo dices tú: ``Muéstranos al Padre?
Juan 1:14 Y el Verbo se hizo carne, y habitó entre nosotros, y vimos su gloria, gloria como del unigénito del Padre, lleno de gracia y de verdad.
Juan 8:19 Entonces le decían: ¿Dónde está tu Padre? Jesús respondió: No me conocéis a mí ni a mi Padre. Si me conocierais a mí, conoceríais también a mi Padre.
Juan 12:45 Y el que me ve, ve al que me ha enviado.
Colosenses 1:15 El es la imagen del Dios invisible, el primogénito de toda creación.
Hebreos 1:3 El es el resplandor de su gloria y la expresión exacta de su naturaleza, y sostiene todas las cosas por la palabra de su poder. Después de llevar a cabo la purificación de los pecados, se sentó a la diestra de la Majestad en las alturas,
1 Juan 5:20 Y sabemos que el Hijo de Dios ha venido y nos ha dado entendimiento a fin de que conozcamos al que es verdadero; y nosotros estamos en aquel que es verdadero, en su Hijo Jesucristo. Este es el verdadero Dios y la vida eterna.
Profecía, profeta: TERESA AQUINO dice:
Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.
<< Filipenses 4:13 >>;
2 Corintios 12:9 Y El me ha dicho: Te basta mi gracia, pues mi poder se perfecciona en la debilidad. Por tanto, muy gustosamente me gloriaré más bien en mis debilidades, para que el poder de Cristo more en mí.
Efesios 3:16 que os conceda, conforme a las riquezas de su gloria, ser fortalecidos con poder por su Espíritu en el hombre interior;
Colosenses 1:11 fortalecidos con todo poder según la potencia de su gloria, para obtener toda perseverancia y paciencia, con gozo
1 Timoteo 1:12 Doy gracias a Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor, que me ha fortalecido, porque me tuvo por fiel, poniéndome en el ministerio;
Desean saber ¿porque? porque la gracia lleno mi vida.
IThe ministry of faith Prophet TERESA AQUINO
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The Transfiguration
the Transfiguration
Matthew 17: 1-6.
Six days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain;
and he was transfigured before them: and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light.
And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
And behold there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him.
Then Peter said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I have pleased: hear him.
When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces, and they were terrified.
This weekend I had a revelation with the Lord,
in revelation, the Lord Yeshuah called Christ spoke to me very cheerfully! by a movement of body, hand, and head gripped the sides, son of man appeared to be normal, your skin and all their movements.
And he said, when they see me, do not believe me! and moved all the features of his body, and said but when this happens I admire!
I saw, as his body around like a white cloud, her skin was covered with that white cloud flourishing and transfigured in an instant, in a heavenly being.
Apparently there are still Christians who do not believe Jesus is real and still speaks to man in these times
I, TERESA AQUINO testify about these things.
Jesus spoke to me, TERESA AQUINO, prophet of the Lord.
Prepare the King Yeshuah is coming, and that is not with me scatters.
La transfiguración
La transfiguración
Mateo 17: 1-6.
Seis días después, Jesús tomó a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan su hermano, y los llevó aparte a un monte alto;
y se transfiguró delante de ellos; y su rostro resplandeció como el sol, y sus vestiduras se volvieron blancas como la luz.
y se transfiguró delante de ellos, y resplandeció su rostro como el sol, y sus vestidos se hicieron blancos como la luz.
Y he aquí les aparecieron Moisés y Elías, hablando con él.
Entonces Pedro dijo a Jesús: Señor, bueno es para nosotros que estemos aquí; si quieres, hagamos aquí tres enramadas: una para ti, otra para Moisés, y otra para Elías.
Mientras él aún hablaba, una nube de luz los cubrió; y he aquí una voz desde la nube, que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado, en quien tengo complacencia; a él oíd.
Al oír esto los discípulos, se postraron sobre sus rostros, y tuvieron gran temor.
En este fin de semana tuve una revelación con El Señor,
en la revelación, El Señor Yeshua llamado el Cristo ¡me hablo muy jovialmente! haciendo un movimiento de Cuerpo, Mano, y Cabeza asía los lados, aparentaba ser Hijo De hombre normal, Su piel y todo sus movimientos.
Y dijo, ¡ellos cuando me Ven, no creen que Soy Yo! y movió todas las facciones de su cuerpo, y dijo pero cuando me pasa esto se admiran!
vi yo, cuando Su Cuerpo se torno como una nube blanco, su piel fue cubierta con aquella nube blanca floreciente y se transfiguro en un instante, en un ser celestial.
Aparentemente todavía existe cristianos, que no creen que Jesús es real y que habla con el hombre todavía en estos tiempos
Yo, TERESA AQUINO doy testimonio de estas cosas.
Jesús me hablo a mi, TERESA AQUINO, profeta del Señor.
Preparate que el Rey Yeshua ya viene, y el que no esta Conmigo desparrama.
Is the Star of David!
ProphetTeresa Aquino shared 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division's photo.
5 minutes ago
¡Es la estrella de David! Jesucristo estuvo presente en la escena y dejó, este legado de testimonio vuestro, Dios está contigo.
En la Biblia, el profeta es alguien que habla en nombre de otros y, en la mayoría de los casos, uno que habla por Dios, que es el portavoz y representante. Sin embargo, el uso común hace, profeta es, casi exclusivamente, el que predice el futuro. Sin embargo, la predicción de eventos futuros es sólo una parte del mensaje del profeta, y no siempre incluido. En el Antiguo Testamento, el profeta se llama NABI término que puede significar "que es llamado por Dios" y tiene el mandato de decirle a otros acerca de Dios. También llamado vidente, o que ve a través de la revelación divina, a veces en visiones y sueños reales, un mensaje que transmite Dios y que a su vez debe transmitir a los demás. En este sentido amplio, puede decirse que el profeta es una persona que ha sido llamado por Dios, a quien Dios confió su mensaje y le anunció a los demás. LA BONDAD DE DIOS .. El ministerio del Profeta TERESA AQUINO.
Been wondering what the light to the right of the star was?
Well, according to "The Star on the Mountain Anchorage, Alaska" Facebook site, it is a light at the top of the ski lift. Mystery Solved!
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ProphetTeresa Aquino shared 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division's photo.
4 minutes ago
Is the Star of David! Jesus was present at the scene and left, this legacy of your testimony, God is with you.
In the Bible, the prophet is one who speaks on behalf of others and, in most cases, one who speaks for God, who is the spokesman and representative. However, common usage does, prophet is, almost exclusively, which predicts the future. However, the prediction of future events is only part of the message of the prophet, and not always included. In the Old Testament, the prophet is called NABI term that can mean "who is called by God" and is mandated to tell others about God. Also called a seer, or who sees through divine revelation, sometimes in visions and dreams real, a message that conveys God and that in turn must pass on to others. In this broad sense, we can say that the prophet is a person who has been called by God, to whom God entrusted his message and announced to the others. GOODNESS OF GOD .. The ministry of the Prophet TERESA AQUINO.
Been wondering what the light to the right of the star was?
Well, according to "The Star on the Mountain Anchorage, Alaska" Facebook site, it is a light at the top of the ski lift. Mystery Solved!
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Así dijo Jehová, en el año 2005
Thus saith the Lord, in 2005
This was his exact words and I'm talking to myself, audible voice, Prophet TERESA AQUINO
This is the way God revealed to me, is a Tsunami.
God seals the rivers to the seas.
confirmation prophetic
The earth is shaking like a hammock.
Stop the killing peoples and nations! God already, it stinks in the heavens.
And if they stop sinning before God, come many calamities.
Tons of surprises
I said said, LORD
I am the Lord your God.
Así dijo Jehová, en el año 2005
Esta fueron sus palabras textuales y me hablo a mi, con voz audibles, Profeta TERESA AQUINO
Esta es la forma que Dios me revelo, se produce un Tsunami.
Dios juntas los ríos con los mares.
Confirmación profética
La tierra esta como una hamaca temblando.
¡Dejen la matanzas pueblos y naciones! que ya a Dios, le hiede en el cielos.
Y si paran de pecar delante de Dios, vendrán muchas calamidades.
habra muchas sorpresas
He dicho dice, Jehová
Yo Soy Jehová Tu Señor.
Este mensaje es para la nación de Asiria.*
Este mensaje es para la nación de Asiria.
Son unos irresponsables.
Así dice Dios, tu Señor:
Estas palabras son fieles y verdadera de parte del Señor.
Frases dicha de parte de Dios al profeta:
El lunes de Octubre 26, 2012, eran las 4: AM de la mañana me dispuse a abrir mi correo electronico en yahoo, vi a algunos niños que yacían muertos por los combatientes en Asiria, y me sorprendirón aquellas imágenes vista en Yahoo, obseve en la pantalla de mi computadora y escuché inmediatamente la voz de Dios que me dijo:
¡irresponsables! ¿y los niños, tu ustedes no tiene corazón?
Son unos insensatos.
¡Siempre la misma Asiria de la antigüedad, crueles y despiadados.
Hablo en el nombre de Jehová, que es Dios El Todopoderoso.
Paz para todas las naciones, que el Señor les bendiga rica y abundantemente, que la gracia del Hijo este sobre ti y tu casa, que el Espíritu Santo de Dios te guíes para todas buenas obras.
Escrito por la Profeta, TERESA AQUINO.
A continuacion, le voy a mostrar lo que le digo, en la historia o teoría de estos fenómenos.
El imperio Asirio: La crueldad sin límites:
Uno de los imperios bíblicos por antonomasia, pasará a la Historia como uno de los pueblos que atemorizó y amedrentó a sus enemigos con una brutalidad hasta entonces desconocida.
Situado en Asia, en la denominación griega de Mesopotamia, le dio su nombre su capital, Assur, actual Al-Shargat, que fue sustituida por Nínive, hoy Mossul. Su debilitamiento se producirá en el reinado del Assurbanipal, que al enfrentarse a los medas y los babilónicos y sin recuperarse de tantas guerras y sublevaciones, abrirá el camino a la independencia de Babilonia. La presión de los escitas, y la alianza entre los medos y los caldeos, propiciaron la destrucción de Nínive, lugar donde finalmente la dinastía de los reyes se extinguió con Saruco, que murió durante el asedio en el 612 a. C.
El imperio llegó incluso a conquistar parte de Egipto y Babilonia. Su mayor poder residía en un ejército, confeccionado a través de levas, formadas principalmente de campesinos y alimentadas de las provincias del imperio. Fue uno de los primeros pueblos en utilizar el hierro como arma, frente al bronce enemigo, que se hacía añicos en un golpe de hierro y con maestría usaban el ariete. Pero su mayor arma fue el miedo aderezado con el terror que no dudaban tanto en alimentar como en ejecutar.
Entre las tácticas usadas podemos destacar, entre los ss. IX y VII a. C., la decapitación. En el campo de batalla, a modo de tiro de gracia, los asirios descabezaban a sus adversarios como trofeo, como ostentación de poder. No menos agresivas serán el empalamiento y el desollamiento, principalmente entre los ss. VIII y VII a. C. La acción se ajusta a la necesidad de debilitar psicológicamente al enemigo. Muy unido a la decapitación, se asocia el desmembramiento, introducido por el rey Sargón, para que los espíritus de los difuntos no encontraran nunca el descanso. El arte del dolor y la escenificación del horror creaban un ambiente de terror hacia el suplicio publicitado en la guerra. Hecho curioso y paradójico resulta la masacre, que no fue considerada como crimen hasta el Código de Hammurabi, y que Asiria no escatimó en utilizar a su antojo.
No menos crueles será una de las técnicas que más usarán como medida preventiva de nuevas revueltas o altercados. Será la deportación en masa, erradicando a todo un pueblo de su tierra, alejándole de sus muertos, despojándole de sus bienes y sus recuerdos. Se produce así una dispersión que atenta contra la identidad o las características más esenciales de un grupo humano. Se desvanecen así sus creencias, su lengua, sus relaciones sociales,…; se pierde su identidad y por tanto su nexo, se produce el desarraigo. No sólo se formaba así una diáspora, sino que los Asirios procedían, después de la lucha, a eliminar mediante el fuego todo lo que podía ser objeto de recuerdo. Los hombres y mujeres de las poblaciones sometidas serían tratados como esclavos o nuevos súbditos, mientras los soldados se repartían el botín de guerra que igualmente engrosaba las arcas del Estado.
La política asiria no se puede entender sin la organización militar y sin la religión. En el monarca confluía el jefe político y el sumo sacerdote además del jefe miliar. El Rey, era el que dirigía la guerra directamente, aunque podía delegar esta responsabilidad en dos mariscales. La facción con mayor empuje en el cuerpo militar asirio era la infantería, ya que la caballería aparecería más tarde. Estaba formada por honderos, escuderos, arqueros y lanceros. Los ingenieros se dedicaban al diseño y fabricación de artilugios para la guerra. Rampas y arietes, desvíos del cauce de los ríos, carros de combate… todos los ingenios se ponían al servicio de la guerra. Curioso es el hecho de que incluso sin saber nadar se ayudaban de pieles hinchadas a modo de flotador o se guiaban de los caballos, que sí nadaban, para atravesar los ríos sin temor.
Culturalmente las semejanzas con Babilonia son obvias en bastantes aspectos. El hecho de que Asiria, en principio y antes de llegar a entidad imperial fuera dependiente de Babilonia, refuerza estos lazos. La literatura, la vida social y familiar, el matrimonio, la propiedad, entre otras no difieren sustancialmente de sus vecinos. Legislativamente, su parecido con Sumeria y Babilonia no se desvanece. Sin embargo, en relación a las penas o castigos, los asirios fueron mucho más brutales. En cuanto al arte, la herencia sumeria es evidente
La religión también está llena de estas influencias tanto sumerias como babilónicas.
El dios Assur, sustituyó a Marduk, dios babilónico. Era el principal dios del panteón asirio. Mientras su significado es benévolo, sus actuaciones no estaban relacionadas con dicha benignidad, más al contrario, ya que es el acompañante de los asirios en todas sus batallas, en las torturas, y en los castigos de la guerra. Las creencias se viven con miedo, con temor, frente a la esperanza de otras religiones de la zona como la egipcia. La muerte desataba las tinieblas eternas, por lo que era temida. Creían en genios y demonios cuyo papel en el mundo era ser benefactores o no de los hombres. La segunda divinidad en importancia y acompañante de Assur era Isthar, la diosa del amor, cuyas sacerdotisas practicaban la prostitución como forma de adoración. Los héroes y semidioses hacen su presencia también en el panteón divino asirio. Procedentes de la religión sumeria, eran venerados dependiendo de sus proezas. Eran el punto de referencia de los soldados en el campo de batalla.
La adivinación y la magia jugaron un papel preponderante en la religión asiria. La adivinación se desarrolló de una manera llamativa. Una de las maneras más singulares fue la hepatoscopia, es decir, los vaticinios a través del estudio del hígado animal, aunque también presagiaban los acontecimientos futuros a través de los sueños, o el vuelo de las aves. El sacrificio de los animales y la adivinación del futuro a través de su hígado, era un método de observación minucioso sobre sus características o anomalías, por el cual se podía acceder a informaciones futuribles. Todas estas técnicas dieron lugar a un gran desarrollo de la magia que llegó a formar parte de las instituciones asirias.
Aunque Asiria ya era un ente imperial, no será hasta el reinado de Teglatfalasar III (745-727 a. C) cuando se transforme en un imperio mundial. Las revueltas durante el reinado de Salmanasar y la posterior guerra civil, dio lugar a un pueblo nuevo, más fuerte, que con Teglatfalasar alcanzará aún más poder, haciendo que los nobles mermaran su supremacía en favor real. Creó un ejército permanente a través de soldados extranjeros que logró librarse de la presión de los arameos, de los urarteos de Siria y de Palestina. En el 722 a. C. accedió al poder uno de los monarcas más conocidos Sargón II, continuando la política expansionista de Teglatfalasar. La gran extensión del imperio, desde la frontera de Egipto a los montes Zagros, y desde Taurus al golfo de Persia, le llevó a dividirlo en 70 provincias, a la cabeza de cada una se encontraba un gobernador dependiente directo del rey. Logró crear una sociedad unida bajo una religión, cultura y lengua, que sus sucesores no supieron continuar, por su obsesión por conquistar Egipto y subyugar a Babilonia. Tal fue el caso del sucesor de Senaquerib, heredero de Sargón, Asaradón, que llegó a invadir Menfis, capital de Egipto. Peor la obsesión por Egipto no quedó en Asaradón sino que Assurbanipal (627 a. C.) llegó hasta Tebas e Irán.
En cuanto a las referencias bíblicas acerca de los asirios no son vanas, y menos aún de su capital Nínive, ciudad que representa la depravación, el pecado. Solamente un hombre, Jonás, logará la conversión de la capital de los asirios. Enviado por Dios para predicar en Nínive el ayuno y la penitencia para expiar los pecados de dicho pueblo, Jonás evade dicha responsabilidad y se dirigirá a Tarsis, en dirección contraria. Yahvé desatará una tormenta; los tripulantes del barco sospecharán que de la ira de Dios el culpable es Jonás. Los marineros lo tiran al mar donde es tragado por una ballena y por orden de Dios, pasará en sus entrañas tres días orando y meditando sobre su comportamiento. Una vez pasados los tres días, Yahvé ordenó a la ballena que escupiera a Jonás que retomará sus pasos hacia Nínive. Llegado a la capital asiria, Jonás predica la destrucción en 40 días de la ciudad pero el rey ordena el ayuno de toda la población. Este sacrificio hará que Dios perdone a la ciudad, y no la destruya, lo que suscita en Jonás un gran disgusto, al no cumplirse la promesa divina. Jonás no ve más que un Dios justiciero, frente a la compasión derrochada por Yahvé. No comprenderá el porqué no ha castigado a los ninivitas.
Finalmente, si es cierto que el pueblo asirio ha pasado a la historia por su crueldad, no es menos cierto, que sus contemporáneos no eran tampoco almas compasivas con el enemigo. Si lo comparamos con la actualidad, no diferimos mucho de los estragos que los asirios hicieron, aunque cambie el escenario o que las armas, por así decirlo, sean más “limpias” y no dejen señales de un río teñido de sangre, como se dice que los asirios hacían lavando sus espadas después de la lucha. Aunque no podemos olvidar, como no hace mucho tiempo pasó en la batalla de Verdún o de Somme, y precisamente no fueron los Asirios los combatientes, dejando un escenario bien dantesco. Quizás nos creemos diferentes, pero en la guerra no hemos dejado de ser menos crueles.
Son acusados de genocidios, encontra de sus propias gentes estos son:
Los Niños, hombres, mujeres, ancianos.
significado de cometer delitos de genocidio:
Crimen cometido contra un grupo social por razones étnicas, políticas o religiosas.
El término genocidio se creó en 1944 para calificar la empresa de exterminio de judíos y gitanos llevada a cabo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial por los nazis. Se empleó para designar las masacres cometidas por Turquía contra los armenios en 1915 y, más allá, para caracterizar el exterminio sistemático de las poblaciones autóctonas amerindias por parte de conquistadores europeos. Se aplica asimismo a masacres más recientes, entre ellas la de camboyanos a manos de los khmers rojos (en la década de 1970) y la de los tutsi por los hutu en Ruanda.
encontra del mal, y a favor del bien.
encontra del mal, y a favor del bien.
This message is for the nation of Assyria.*
This message is for the nation of Assyria.
They are irresponsible.
Thus saith the Lord your God:
ACUSALOS irresponsible.
These words are trustworthy and true from the Lord,
Phrases that from God to the prophet:
On Monday October 26, 2012, was 4: AM in the morning I started to open my email in yahoo, I saw some children lying dead by fighters in Assyria, and I view those images sorprendirón Yahoo, obseve in my computer screen and immediately heard God's voice told me:
ACUSALOS, irresponsible!
Irresponsible! What about the kids, you do not have your heart?
They are fools.
Always the same ancient Assyria, cruel and merciless.
I speak in the name of the Lord, who is God Almighty.
Peace for all nations, that the Lord bless richly and abundantly, that the Son's grace be upon you and your house, that the Holy Spirit of God things easier for all good works.
Written by the Prophet, TERESA AQUINO.
Next, I'll show you what I mean, in history or theory of these phenomena.
The Assyrian Empire: The boundless cruelty:
One of the quintessential biblical empires, will go down in history as one of the people who terrorized and intimidated his enemies with brutality hitherto unknown.
Located in Asia, the Greek name of Mesopotamia, gave his name its capital, Assur, Al-Shargat current, which was replaced by Nineveh, now Mosul. Its weakening will occur in the reign of Assurbanipal, who when faced with the Medes and Babylonians and reeling from so many wars and uprisings, opens the way for the independence of Babylon. The pressure of the Scythians, and the alliance between the Medes and the Babylonians, led to the destruction of Nineveh, where the dynasty finally quenched with Saruco kings, who died during the siege in 612. C.
The empire was even conquer part of Egypt and Babylon. His greatest power was in an army, made by cams, consisting mainly of peasants and fed the provinces of the empire. It was one of the first people to use iron as a weapon against the enemy bronze, which was shattered in a stroke of iron and masterfully used the ram. But his greatest weapon was spiced with fear terror doubted that both feed and Run.
Among the tactics used can highlight, among ss. IX and VII. C., decapitation. On the battlefield, as a coup de grace, the Assyrians descabezaban his opponents as a trophy, as an expression of power. There will be less aggressive impalement and skinning, mainly between ss. Eighth and seventh. C. The action is in line with the need to psychologically weaken the enemy. Closely tied to the decapitation, dismemberment is associated, introduced by King Sargon, for the spirits of the dead will never find rest. The art of pain and horror staging of creating an atmosphere of terror to the war publicized ordeal. Curious and paradoxical fact is the slaughter, which was not considered as a crime to the Code of Hammurabi, and Assyria spared no use at will.
No less cruel is one of the most used techniques as a preventive of new unrest or riots. Will mass deportation, eradicating an entire people of their land, removing him from the dead, stripping him of his possessions and memories. This leads to a dispersion that threatens the identity or the most essential characteristics of a human group. Vanish and their beliefs, their language, their social relationships, ..., it loses its identity and therefore its nexus, uprooting occurs. Not only well formed a diaspora, but the Assyrians came after the fight, to remove by fire all that could be subject to recall. The men and women of the subject populations would be treated as slaves or new subjects, while the soldiers divided the spoils of war that also swelled the coffers.
Assyrian policy can not be understood without the military organization and without religion. In the converged monarch and the political head of the chief priest also miliary. The King, was the one directing the war directly, but could delegate this responsibility to two quarterbacks. The largest faction in the military push was Assyrian infantry as cavalry come later. It consisted of slingers, squires, archers and spearmen. Engineers engaged in the design and manufacture of devices for war. Ramps and rams, deviations from riverbeds, tanks ... all mills were put at the service of war. Curious is the fact that even without knowing how to swim is swollen Fur helped to float mode or guided the horses, swam yes, to cross the river without fear.
Culturally the obvious similarities to Babylon in many respects. The fact that Assyria, in principle and before reaching dependent entity outside imperial Babylon, strengthens these ties. Literature, social and family life, marriage, property, and other not substantially different from their neighbors. Legislatively, its resemblance to Sumeria and Babylon does not fade. However, in relation to the penalties or punishment, the Assyrians were much more brutal. As for the art, the Sumerian heritage is evident
Religion also is full of these influences both Sumerian and Babylonian.
The god Assur, replaced Marduk, the Babylonian god. He was the chief god of the Assyrian pantheon. While its meaning is benevolent, their actions were not related to such kindness, rather the contrary, since it is the companion of the Assyrians in all their battles, torture, and punishment of war. Beliefs are living in fear, in fear, hoping against other religions in the area as the Egyptian. The death unleashed eternal darkness, so that was feared. They believed in spirits and demons whose role in the world was to be benefactors or not of men. The second and most important deity Assur companion was Ishtar, the goddess of love, whose priestesses practiced prostitution as a form of worship. The heroes and demigods also make their presence in the Assyrian divine pantheon. From Sumerian religion, were venerated depending on your prowess. They were the benchmark of the soldiers in the battlefield.
Divination and magic played a role in Assyrian religion. Divination was developed in a striking manner. One of the most unique was the hepatoscopy, ie predictions by studying animal liver, but also foreshadowed future events through dreams, or the flight of birds. The sacrifice of animals and fortune telling through his liver, was a careful observation method on its characteristics or abnormalities, which could access information future events. All these techniques led to a great development of the magic that became part of the Assyrian institutions.
Although it was a local Assyrian imperial, not until the reign of Tiglath-pileser III (745-727 a. C) when you become a world empire. The revolts in the reign of Shalmaneser and subsequent civil war, led to a new town, stronger than Theglathphalasar achieve even more power, making the noble deplete its supremacy in royal favor. Created a standing army by foreign troops managed to escape the pressure of the Arameans of Urartians Syria and Palestine. In 722 a. C. came to power one of the most famous kings Sargon II, continuing Theglathphalasar expansionist policy. The vastness of the empire, from the border of Egypt to the Zagros Mountains and from the Gulf of Persia Taurus led him to divide it into 70 provinces, at the head of each dependent was a governor of King Live. He managed to create a society united under one religion, culture and language, his successors were unable to continue, his obsession to conquer and subjugate Egypt to Babylon. Such was the case of Sennacherib's successor, heir of Sargon, Esarhaddon, who came to invade Memphis, capital of Egypt. Worse obsession with Egypt was not in Esarhaddon but Assurbanipal (627 a.) Came to Thebes and Iran.
As for the biblical references about the Assyrians are not in vain, and even less of its capital Nineveh city representing depravity, sin. Only one man, Jonah, logara converting the capital of Assyria. Sent by God to preach in Nineveh fasting and penance to atone for the sins of the people, Jonah evade that responsibility and will go to Tarshish, in the opposite direction. Yahweh unleashed a storm the boat's crew suspect that the wrath of God is to blame Jonah. The sailors throw him into the sea where it is swallowed by a whale and order of God, will in her womb three days praying and meditating on their behavior. Once past three days, Yahweh ordered the whale spit Jonah to resume his steps toward Nineveh. Come to the Assyrian capital, Jonah preached destruction within 40 days of the city but the king orders the entire population fast. This sacrifice will God forgive the city, and not destroy, raising in Jonah a great disappointment, not God's promise fulfilled. Jonah did not see more than a God of justice, compassion versus wasted by Yahweh. Do not understand why it has not punished the Ninevites.
Finally, if it is true that the Assyrian people has gone down in history for his cruelty, the fact remains that his contemporaries were not compassionate souls with the enemy. When compared to currently not differ much from the ravages that the Assyrians did, even if you change the setting or arms, so to speak, more "clean" and not leave signs of blood-tinged river, as they say the Assyrians were washing their swords after the fight. Although we can not forget, as happened not long ago in the Battle of Verdun and the Somme, and the Assyrians were not just fighters, leaving a rather gruesome scene. Perhaps we believe different, but in war we have not ceased to be less cruel.
They are accused of genocide, discover their own people they are:
Children, men, women, old people.
meaning of committing crimes of genocide:
Crime committed against a social group for ethnic, political or religious.
The term genocide was created in 1944 to describe the business of exterminating Jews and Gypsies conducted during World War II by the Nazis. Was used to describe the massacres committed by Turkey against Armenians in 1915 and beyond, to characterize the systematic extermination of indigenous Amerindians by European conquerors. It also applies to more recent massacres, including Cambodians at the hands of the Khmer Rouge (in the 1970s) and of Tutsis by Hutus in Rwanda.
discover the evil, and for the good.
Peace ..
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Biblical peoples, Pueblos bíblicos.*
Biblical peoples
speaking in language
Below is a partial list of people in the Bible.
Pueblos bíblicos
A continuación se muestra una lista parcial de personas en la Biblia.
• 12 Apostles
• 12 Tribes of Israel
• 15 Judges of Israel
• Aaron
• Abdon
• Abiathar
• Abigail
• Abihu
• Abijah, King of Judah, also known as Abia or Abijam
• Abimelech, the judge
• Abimelech, the king
• Abinadab
• Abiram
• Abishag
• Abishai
• Abner
• Abraham
• Absalom, also known as Abishalom
• Adam
• Ahab, King of Israel
• Ahasuerus
• Ahaz, or Achaz, King of Judah
• Ahaziah, also known as Jehoahaz, King of Judah
• Ahaziah, King of Israel
• Ahijah
• Ahimelech
• Ahithophel
• Alexander the Great
• Amasa
• Amaziah, King of Judah
• Amon, King of Judah
• Amos
• Andrew the Apostle
• Annas
• Antiochus IV
• Apollos
• Aquila
• Araunah (Ornan)
• Artaxerxes
• Asa, King of Judah
• Asahel
• Asaph
• Asher, son of Jacob
• Athaliah, Queen of Judah
• Azariah (named later as Abed-Nego)
• Baasha, King of Israel
• Balaam and Balak
• Barabbas
• Barak
• Barnabas
• Bartholomew the Apostle
• Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus)
• Baruch
• Barzillai
• Belshazzar
• Benaiah
• Benjamin, son of Jacob
• Ben-Ammi
• Ben-Oni
• Bernice
• Bezalel
• Bildad
• Bilhah
• Boaz (or Booz)
• Caiaphas
• Cain
• Caleb
• Canaan
• Candace
• Chedorlaomer
• Chuza
• Claudius
• Cleopas
• Cornelius
• Crispus
• Cush
• Cyrus
• Dan, son of Jacob
• Daniel
• Darius
• Dathan
• David (King David)
• Debir
• Deborah, Judge of Israel and prophetess
• Deborah, Rebekah's nurse
• Delilah
• Demetrius
• Demas
• Dinah
• Doeg the Edomite
• Dorcas (also known as Tabitha)
• Drusilla
• Ebed-Melek (Ebed-Melech)
• Eglon
• Ehud
• Elah, King of Israel
• Eleazar
• Eli
• Eliezer
• Elihu
• Elijah (or Elias)
• Elimelech
• Eliphaz
• Elisha
• Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist
• Elon
• Elymas
• Enoch, son of Cain
• Enoch, son of Jared
• Epaphras
• Epaphroditus
• Ephraim (son of Joseph)
• Ephron
• Esau
• Esther
• Eve
• Ezekiel
• Ezra
• Felix
• Festus
• Gaal
• Gabriel (Angel)
• Gad, son of Jacob
• Gad, the prophet
• Gamaliel
• Gedaliah
• Gehazi - people in the Bible
• Gershom
• Gershon
• Geshem
• Gideon
• Goliath
• Gomer
• Habakkuk
• Hadad
• Hadadezer
• Hagar
• Haggai
• Ham
• Haman
• Hananiah (named later as Shadrach)
• Hannah
• Hanun
• Hazael
• Herod Antipas
• Herod Archelaus
• Herod Philip
• Herod the Great, Herod the king
• Herodias
• Hezekiah, or Ezekias, King of Judah
• Hiram
• Hosea
• Hoshea, King of Israel
• Hophni
• Huldah
• Hur
• Hushai
• Hymenaeus
• Ibzan
• Isaac
• Isaiah (sometimes spelled as Esaias)
• Ishbosheth
• Ishmael
• Ishmael, son of Nethaniah
• Issachar, son of Jacob
• Ithamar
• Jabez
• Jabin
• Israel (originally known as Jacob)
• Jael
• Jair
• Jairus
• James (son of Alphaeus) the Apostle
• James (son of Zebedee) the Apostle
• James (the Epistle writer)
• Jannes And Jambres
• Japheth
• Jason
• Jehoahaz, King of Israel
• Jehoahaz, King of Judah
• Jehoash, or Joash, King of Israel
• Jehoiachin, King of Judah, also known as Jeconiah, Coniah, or Jechonias
• Jehoiada
• Jehoiakim, King of Judah
• Jehoram, King of Israel
• Jehoram, or Joram, King of Judah
• Jehoshaphat, or Josaphat, King of Judah
• Jehosheba
• Jehu, King of Israel
• Jephthah
• Jeremiah
• Jeroboam 1, King of Israel
• Jeroboam 2, King of Israel
• Jeshua (also Called Joshua)
• Jesse
• Jesus
• Jethro
• Jezebel
• Jezreel
• Jithra
• Joab
• Joanna
• Joash, or Jehoash, King of Judah
• Job
• Jochebed
• Joel
• John the Baptist
• John the Apostle
• Jonah (or Jonas)
• Jonathan
• Joseph of Arimathea
• Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus
• Joseph, son of Jacob/Israel
• Joshua
• Josiah, or Josias, King of Judah
• Jotham, or Joatham, King of Judah
• Jotham, son of Gideon
• Judah, son of Jacob
• Judas the Apostle
• Jude
• Julius
• Keturah
• Kings of Israel and Judah
• Kish
• Kohath
• Korah
• Laban
• Lamech
• Lazarus
• Lazarus the beggar
• Leah
• Levi
• Lois
• Lot
• Luke
• Lydia
• Lysias
• Maacah
• Machir
• Malachi
• Malchus
• Manasseh, or Manasses, King of Judah
• Manasseh (son of Joseph)
• Manoah
• Mark
• Mary (Mother of James and Joseph)
• Mary (Mother of Jesus)
• Mary (mother of John Mark)
• Mary and Martha
• Mary Magdalene
• Matthew the Apostle
• Matthias (Apostle)
• Melchizedek
• Menahem, King of Israel
• Merab
• Merari
• Mesha
• Methuselah
• Micah
• Micaiah
• Michael (the Archangel)
• Michal
• Midian
• Miriam
• Mishael (named later as Meshach)
• Moab
• Mordecai
• Moses
• Naaman
• Nabal
• Naboth
• Nadab, King of Israel
• Nadab, son of Aaron
• Nahor
• Nahum
• Naomi
• Naphtali, son of Jacob
• Nathan
• Nathan2
• Nathanael
• Nebuchadnezzar
• Nebuzaradan
• Neco (Necho)
• Nero
• Nehemiah
• Nicodemus
• Nicolaus
• Nimrod
• Noah
• Obadiah
• Obed-Edom
• Oded
• Og
• Oholiab
• Omri, King of Israel
• Onan
• Onesimus
• Onesiphorus
• Orpah
• Othniel
• Palti
• Pashhur
• Paul
• Pekah, King of Israel
• Pekahiah, King of Israel
• Peleg
• Perez
• Peter the Apostle
• Philemon
• Philip the Apostle
• Philip the Evangelist
• Phinehas, son of Eleazar
• Phinehas, son of Eli
• Phoebe
• Pontius Pilate
• Potiphar
• Potiphera
• Priscilla
• Rachel
• Rahab (or Rachab)
• Rebekah (Rebecca)
• Rehoboam, or Roboam, King of Judah
• Reuben, son of Jacob
• Ruth
• Samson
• Samuel
• Sarah (Sarai)
• Saul (King)
• Seth
• Shallum, King of Israel
• Shamgar
• Shem
• Silas
• Simeon, son of Jacob
• Simon the Apostle
• Solomon (King)
• Stephen
• Tamar
• Terah
• Thaddaeus (Judas, son of James) the Apostle
• Theophilus
• Thomas the Apostle
• Tibni
• Timothy
• Titus
• Tola
• Uzziah (Azariah) King of Judah
• Xerxes
• Zadok
• Zebulun, son of Jacob
• Zechariah
• Zechariah - father of John the Baptist
• Zechariah, King of Israel
• Zedekiah, King of Judah
• Zedekiah, the false prophet
• Zephaniah
• Zerubbabel
• Zeruiah
• Zimri, King of Israel
• Zimri, son of Salu
• Zipporah
• Zophar
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In the Bible, the prophet is one who speaks on behalf of others and, in most cases, one who speaks for God, who is the spokesman and representative. However, common usage does, prophet is, almost exclusively, which predicts the future. However, the prediction of future events is only part of the message of the prophet, and not always included. In the Old Testament, the prophet is called NABI term that can mean "who is called by God" and is mandated to tell others about God. Also called a seer, or who sees through divine revelation, sometimes in visions and dreams real, a message that conveys God and that in turn must pass on to others. In this broad sense, we can say that the prophet is a person who has been called by God, to whom God entrusted his message and announced to the others.
The ministry of faith TERESA AQUINO Prophet.
About Bible Prophecy.
Acerca de la profecía bíblica.
En la Biblia, el profeta es alguien que habla en nombre de otros y, en la mayoría de los casos, uno que habla por Dios, que es el portavoz y representante. Sin embargo, el uso común hace, profeta es, casi exclusivamente, el que predice el futuro. Sin embargo, la predicción de eventos futuros es sólo una parte del mensaje del profeta, y no siempre incluido. En el Antiguo Testamento, el profeta se llama NABI término que puede significar "que es llamado por Dios" y tiene el mandato de decirle a otros acerca de Dios. También llamado vidente, o que ve a través de la revelación divina, a veces en visiones y sueños reales, un mensaje que transmite Dios y que a su vez debe transmitir a los demás. En este sentido amplio, puede decirse que el profeta es una persona que ha sido llamado por Dios, a quien Dios confió su mensaje y le anunció a los demás. LA BONDAD DE DIOS ..
El ministerio de la fe Profeta TERESA AQUINO.
A Divine Revelation of Heaven, Una divina revelación del Cielo.
Divine Revelation Of Heaven
I had this revelation
on Tue, June 9, 2009 I saw was a young man of fair complexion, with paint on his face;
This young man has a strange dream since childhood;
Sleep is transferred in an avenue, the sale of some buildings clung Avenue, wearing a robe on his head, and he goes to meet a woman.
The young woman confronts, which walks as if he did not exist, grabbing the woman walked forward, and the boy says these strange phrases;
Young! is God who speaks to you, and you this, sending,
that message, from an early age: thus saith the Lord, I chose from before he was born: tells you preach, the Coming of Christ .. IS COMING! ....
Search for world peace!
A Divine Revelation of Heaven.
Revelación Divina De Los Cielos
Tuve esta revelación
on Tue, June 9, 2009 vi yo ha un Joven de tez blanca, con pintas en el rostro;
este Joven tiene un extraño sueño desde Niño;
Es trasladado en sueño a una avenida, el sale de unos edificios asía la avenida, lleva un manto en su cabeza, y le sale al encuentro a una mujer.
El joven confronta a la mujer, la cual camina como si el no existiera, la mujer caminaba asía delante, y el joven dice estas extrañas frases;
¡Joven! es Dios, que te habla, y te esta, enviando,
ese mensaje, desde muy temprana edad: así dice Jehová; Yo te escogí desde ante que naciera: te dice que predique, la Venida de Cristo..IS COMING!....
¡Busca la paz del mundo!
Una divina revelación del Cielo.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The promise of the Holy Spirit given by Jesus to his disciples.*
The promise of the Holy Spirit given by Jesus to his disciples.
Biblical references on this topic of utmost importance for a healthy life in Christ Jesus.
St. John 16:7 reveals:
But I tell you the truth to your advantage that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him.
And the infallible rule of faith and conduct of a mature Christian, he continues in the book of the Gospel of John 14:16
And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever;
John 14:26
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said.
John 16:8
And when He comes, will convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment;
Today marks, this prophecy before your eyes.
Luke 11:23 reveals >>
He who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
Enjoy it!
Prophecy of the Prophet:
I am a servant of servants the prophets with.
May the peace of God illuminate your life and that of your family.
The grace of the Holy Spirit is given to you.
In Scripture, Prophet is one who speaks on Behalf of another and, in most cases, one who speaks for God, who is the Spokesman and representative.
However, common usage does, prophet is, almost exclusively, one who foretells the future. But the prediction of future events is only part of the message of the prophet, and not always included. In the Old Testament, the prophet is called NABI That term can mean "that is called by God" and has a mandate to tell others About God.
Also called a SEER, or who sees through divine revelation, Sometimes in real visions and dreams, That message conveys to God and That in turn must transmit to others.
In this broad sense, it may be said That the prophet is a person who has been called by God, Whom God Entrusted his message and I Announced to others. GOODNESS
In the Bible, the prophet is one who speaks on behalf of others and, in most cases, one who speaks for God, who is the spokesman and representative. However, common usage does, prophet is, almost exclusively, which predicts the future. However, the prediction of future events is only part of the message of the prophet, and not always included. In the Old Testament, the prophet is called NABI term that can mean "who is called by God" and is mandated to tell others about God. Also called a seer, or who sees through divine revelation, sometimes in visions and dreams real, a message that conveys God and that in turn must pass on to others. In this broad sense, we can say that the prophet is a person who has been called by God, to whom God entrusted his message and announced to the others.
La promesa del Espíritu Santo dada por Jesús a sus discípulos.*
La promesa del Espíritu Santo dada por Jesús a sus discípulos.
Referencias bíblicas, sobre este Tópico de suma importancia, para una vida saludables en Cristo Jesús.
Pero yo os digo la verdad: os conviene que yo me vaya; porque si no me voy, el Consolador no vendrá a vosotros; pero si me voy, os lo enviaré.
Y la regla infalible, de fe y conducta de un Cristiano maduro, continua diciendo en el libro del evangelio según San Juan 14:16
Y yo rogaré al Padre, y El os dará otro Consolador para que esté con vosotros para siempre;
Juan 14:26
Pero el Consolador, el Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, El os enseñará todas las cosas, y os recordará todo lo que os he dicho.
Juan 16:8
Y cuando El venga, convencerá al mundo de pecado, de justicia y de juicio;
Hoy se cumple, esta profecía delante de vuestros ojos.
Lucas 11:23 revela>>
El que no está conmigo, contra mí está; y el que conmigo no recoge, desparrama.
¡Que lo disfrutes!
Profecía de la profeta:
Soy sierva de los con siervos los profetas.
Que la paz de Dios ilumine tu vida y la de los tuyos.
La gracia del Espíritu Santo se te sea dada.
En la Biblia, el profeta es alguien que habla en nombre de otros y, en la mayoría de los casos, uno que habla por Dios, que es el portavoz y representante. Sin embargo, el uso común hace, profeta es, casi exclusivamente, el que predice el futuro. Sin embargo, la predicción de eventos futuros es sólo una parte del mensaje del profeta, y no siempre incluido. En el Antiguo Testamento, el profeta se llama NABI término que puede significar "que es llamado por Dios" y tiene el mandato de decirle a otros acerca de Dios. También llamado vidente, o que ve a través de la revelación divina, a veces en visiones y sueños reales, un mensaje que transmite Dios y que a su vez debe transmitir a los demás. En este sentido amplio, puede decirse que el profeta es una persona que ha sido llamado por Dios, a quien Dios confió su mensaje y le anunció a los demás. BONDAD
I accept your good wil
Gen John R Allen says:
Thank you my dear,The grace of God also be with you too. <3 (y)
I accept your good will, That the grace of God be in your whole existence, so you can thank him for all his blessings.
are my most arduous wishes you and yours are happy.
Happy weekend.
May God bless you and your generations.
May the peace of God be upon you.
May the blessing of the Son you cover yourself.
That you receive, the promise Given by Jesus of the Holy Spirit.
The word Reveals That Jesus, speaking to his disciple and said:
But I tell you the truth to your advantage That I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him.
<< John 16:7 >>.
thanks we speak, state is interfering with God for you and the troops in Afghansitan.
, Says:
Shalom, peace.
Friday, November 23, 2012
The planting not with me scatters.*
The planting not with me scatters
First Reading: Jeremiah 7:23-28
"Here are people who did not hear the voice of the Lord your God"
Thus says the Lord: "This was the order that I gave to your fathers:" Obey my voice. I will be your God, and ye shall be my people tread the way which I command you, that ye do well. "But did not obey or incline their ear, walking according to their ideas, according to the wickedness of his heart obstinate, gave me back and not the front. since they left your fathers out of Egypt until today I sent my servants the prophets, a day after day, but they would not listen or give ear: stiffened his neck, were worse than their parents. already can repeat this discourse, that will not listen, and you can shout, you do not respond. them say: "Here are people who did not hear the voice of the Lord your God, and refused to take warning. Sincerity is lost, they've pulled out of his mouth. ""
Psalm: 94
"If today you hear his voice:" Harden not your hearts. ""
I am the prophet: TERESA AQUINO.
Jesus loves you!.
He who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
The three divine persons Divine revelation.*
The three divine persons.
Divine revelation:
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit -
Romans 8:31 states.
So what do we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
1 Peter 3:21 Does it teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
Answer: As with any verse or passage isolated discern what it teaches, first filtering it through what we already know to teach the rest of the Bible on the subject to be treated. In the case of baptism and salvation, the Bible is clear that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works of any kind, including baptism (Ephesians 2:8-9). Therefore, any interpretation concludes that baptism, or any other action, is necessary for salvation, is a false interpretation. For more information, please see our website on Is salvation by faith alone, or by faith plus works?
Those who believe that baptism is required for salvation, are quick to point out 1 Peter 3:21 as "proof text," he says, "Baptism doth also now save us" Peter really was saying that the act of baptism is what saves us? Doing so, would contradict many other passages of Scripture, which clearly show people being saved (as evidenced by receiving the Holy Spirit) before being baptized or unbaptized at all (like the thief on the cross in Luke 23:39-43). A good example of someone who was saved before being baptized is Cornelius and his household in Acts 10. We know that they were saved before being baptized, because they had received the Holy Spirit as evidence of their salvation (Romans 8:9, Ephesians 1:13, 1 John 3:24). The evidence of their salvation was the reason that allowed Peter to be baptized. Countless passages of Scripture clearly teaches that salvation is effected when you believe in the Gospel, by which time he or she is sealed "In him (Christ) ye also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. "(Ephesians 1:13).
Although fortunately not have to guess what Peter meant in this verse, because it makes clear to us the phrase "not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God." While Peter is connecting baptism with salvation, not the act of being baptized is referring to (not the removal of dirt from the body). Being immersed in water, does nothing more than remove dirt. To which Peter is referring is what baptism is, that is what saves us (an aspiration of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.) In other words, Peter simply connecting baptism faith. The wet part is not what saves, rather it is "the answer of a good conscience toward God," which is represented by baptism that saves us. The aspiration to God always comes first. First comes the believe and repent, then the baptism publicly identified with Christ.
An excellent explanation of this passage, is exposed by Dr. Kenneth Wuest, author of Word Studies in the Greek New Testament. "It is clear that what is in the mind of the apostle water baptism is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit, because he speaks of the flood waters that saved or saved to those inside the ark, and in this verse , the baptism that saves believers. But he says it saves only counterpart. That is, water baptism is the counterpart of the reality of salvation. You can only save as a counterpart, not reality itself. The sacrifices in the Old Testament, were counterparts of reality, the Lord Jesus Christ. They really did not save the believer, only symbolically. No argument here that these sacrifices are analogous to Christian water baptism. The author is simply using them as an illustration of the use of the word 'partner.'
"So water baptism only saves the believer symbolically. The Old Testament Jew was saved before taking the offering. That offering was only an outward testimony that he was putting his faith in the Lamb of God, which this sacrifice was a symbol ...... Water baptism is the outward testimony of faith within the believer. The person is saved the moment putting their faith in the Lord Jesus. Water baptism is the visible testimony of his faith and salvation that was given in response to that faith. Peter is careful to inform his readers that he is not teaching baptismal regeneration, that is, a person who submits to baptism is regenerated, because he says, "not the removal of dirt from the flesh." Baptism, explains Peter , do not wash the dirt from the body, either literally, as a bath for the body, or metaphorically as a cleansing of the soul. No ceremony actually affect consciousness. But he defines terms for salvation, in the words "the answer of a good conscience toward God," and explains how this is done, ie "by the resurrection of Jesus Christ," in which the believing sinner is identified with Him in that resurrection. "
Part of the confusion with this passage comes from the fact that, in many ways, the purpose of baptism as a public declaration of one's faith in Christ and identification with Him, has been replaced by "making a decision for Christ" or "saying the sinner's prayer." Baptism has been relegated to something that is done later. But for Peter, or any other Christian in the first century, the idea that a person confess Christ as their Savior and be baptized as soon as possible, would have been unprecedented. It is therefore not surprising that Peter had seen the baptism so closely connected with salvation. However, Peter explains in this verse, which is not the ritual itself that saves, but the fact that we are united with Christ in His resurrection and faith through, "the answer of a good conscience toward God, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. "(1 Peter 3:21).
So Peter says baptism saves us, is one that is preceded by faith in the atoning sacrifice of Christ, who justifies the ungodly sinner (Romans 3:25-26, 4:5). Baptism is the outward sign of what God has done "by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit." (Titus 3:5).
I just put my faith in Jesus ... Now what?
Question: "I just put my faith in Jesus ... now what?"
A: Congratulations! He has made a life-changing decision! When you have questions on its way, we can offer the following tools to move forward:
1. Make sure you understand salvation.
1 John 5:13 tells us, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life." God wants us to understand salvation. God wants us to have the confidence of knowing for sure that we are saved. Let's briefly the key points of salvation:
(A) We have all sinned. We've all done things that are displeasing to God (Romans 3:23).
(B) deserve to be punished with eternal separation from God because of our sin trusting His death as payment for our sins (John 3:16, Romans 5:1, Romans 8:1).
That's the message of salvation! If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as (Romans 6:23).
(C) Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins (Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:21).
(D) God grants forgiveness and salvation to all those who put their faith in Jesus - your Savior, you are saved! All your sins are forgiven, and God promises to never leave or forsake you (Romans 8:38-39, Matthew 28:20). Remember, your salvation is secure in Jesus Christ (John 10:28-29). If you trust in Jesus alone as your Savior, you can be confident that you will spend eternity with God in heaven!
2. Find a good church that teaches the Bible.
Do not think of the church as a building. The church is the people. It is very important that believers in Jesus Christ have fellowship with one another. That is one of the primary purposes of the church. Now that you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, we strongly encourage you to find for your industry, a Bible-believing church. Talk to the pastor. Let him know about your new faith in Jesus Christ.
A second purpose of the church is to teach the Bible. You can learn how to apply the teachings of God in his life. Understanding the Bible is the key to living a successful and powerful Christian life. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good works. "
A third purpose of the church is worship. Worship is thanking God for all that He has done! God has saved us. God loves us. God is our provider. God guides and directs us. How can we not thank? God is holy, just, loving, merciful, and gracious. Revelation 4:11 says, "Lord, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."
3. Besides time each day to focus on God.
It is very important for us every day, spend time focusing on God. Some people call this a "quiet time." Others call it "quiet time," because this is a time when we devote ourselves to God. Some prefer to set aside time in the morning, while others prefer the evenings. No matter how you call this time or when I do. What matters is that you regularly spend time with God. What events make up our time with God?
(A) Prayer. - Prayer is simply talking to God. Talk to God about your concerns and problems. Ask God to give you wisdom and guidance. Ask God to provide their needs. Tell God how much you love and how much you appreciate everything she does for you. That's what prayer.
(B) Bible Reading. - In addition to receiving Bible teaching in church, Sunday School and / or Bible studies - you need to read the Bible for yourself. The Bible contains everything you need to know in order to live a successful Christian life. The Bible contains God's guidance to make wise decisions, how to know the will of God, ministering to others, and how to grow spiritually. The Bible is essentially God's instruction manual for how to live our lives in a way to please the Lord and be satisfied.
4. Develop relationships with people who can help us spiritually.
1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." The Bible is full of warnings about the influence that the "bad" people can have on us. Spending time with those who engage in sinful activities, will cause us to be tempted by those activities. The character of those around us will "stick" in us. That is why it is so important to surround ourselves with other people who love the Lord and are committed to Him
Try to find a friend or two, perhaps your church, someone who can help and encourage you (Hebrews 3:13, 10:24). Ask friends to keep you accountable regarding your time alone, their activities, and their walk with God. Ask if you can do the same for them. This does not mean you have to abandon all your friends who do not know Jesus as their Savior. Continue to be their friend and love them. Just let them know that Jesus has changed your life, and you can not do all the same things you used to do. Ask God to give you opportunities to share Jesus with their friends.
5. Baptized.
Many people misunderstand baptism. The word "baptize" means to immerse in water. Baptism is the Biblical way of publicly proclaiming your new faith in Christ and your commitment to follow. The action of being immersed in water illustrates being buried with Christ. The action out of the water pictures Christ's resurrection. Being baptized is identifying with the death, burial and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4).
Baptism is not what saves you. Baptism does not take away their sins. Baptism is simply a step of obedience, a public proclamation of their faith in Christ alone for salvation. Baptism is important because it is a step of obedience - publicly declaring faith in Christ and commitment to Him If you are ready to be baptized, should talk to a pastor.
Today this prophecy is fulfilled
The divine grace.
Keep your faith, justice and temperance.
I am the prophet: TERESA AQUINO.
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